Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Team building | Program objectives and steps

This publication contains a team building program that will help you and your group form a high maturity team, equiped to handle and solve internal problems. It deals with:
· Goal setting. Individuals in a team must understand and accept the goals of the group and the organization.
· Role setting. Team members must know what others expect from them. Ambiguity in role expectations produces stress and hampers performance.
· Procedures. All team members must know how to get work done together (e.g. decision making, problem solving, time management and conflict management / resolution.)
· Relationships. Put simply, people who respect one another usually work together more effectively, than people who do not.
The step-by-step approach will help you and your team members clarify and achieve these key variables. The materials supplied assumes you have little or no knowledge of team building concepts. All necessary material are included in the PDF for a non-technical person to deliver the team building program and achieve significant improvements in team work and to the organization.
The publication is self contained and formalizes the steps, concisely and clearly, you need to conduct a consultative team building process.
Outline Team Building Program Steps
The following steps are elaborated on in the publication.
· Preparation. The preparations you need to undertake before you assemble your team members including inter alia, setting the agenda and the aids you will need during your team building sessions.
· Introduction. Helps you introduce the concepts of team building to your team members, the purpose of team building, definitions you may need, selecting discussion topics, and setting SMART goals for the exercise.
· Diagnostic Assessment. The publication includes a diagnostic assessment instrument for each team member to score, which you will be able to summarize for the group. This will define areas important to individuals and the group as a whole in terms of interactions and tasks.
· Discussion. The dimensions covered in the diagnostic assessment are amplified in the publication so that you will be able to facilitate team building in your organization (or clients) with authority. This section will enable you to undertake the exercise with a high probability of getting to the root problems that are holding back your team and hampering business performance.
· Solution Finding. The exercise will have in all probability yielded areas of weakness and sources of dissatisfaction, with potential for improvement. These are the performance improvement opportunities. Consult with your team to develop mutually acceptable solutions based on acceptance of organizational goals.
· Monitoring Progress. Most important! You have identified the problems, found solutions, now you need to implement them! Without follow-up, monitoring and delegation of responsibility your efforts will have been in vain. This step is comprehensively explained.
To Summarize
The Team Building PDF will enable you to:
· Draw employees into the team decision making process through consultation and participation, in programed manor
· Through a programed sequence of activities and an exercise, have employees define the problems
· Allow employees to have their say on work issues and their needs
· Properly setup a program to address the issues raised
· Save money on expensive consulting fees, one 2 hour session using the team building exercise and the team building activities will yield the same information as any consultant at a fraction of the cost
· Develop solutions to issues
· Agree on mutually beneficial encompassing solution
· Get the mutually beneficial encompassing solution implemented
The Benefits of this Team Building Program
· Improves working relations, at all levels
· Yields a smoother running department / organization
· Improves resource productivity
· Achieves goal congruence
Team Building Program Format
The Team Building PDF uses a carefully planned sequence of team building activities, then a diagnostic exercise, followed by analysis and evaluation. The logical, common sense, framework will show where change is likely to be most effective and what can be done to improve the situation. By the end of the process the procedure will highlight
· what is wrong
· where improvements are possible
· what should be done to improve the situation

Team Building Diagnostic Activities
There are a number of simple team activities to highlight, diagnose and describe the problem, thus sign posting possible solutions.
· a problem development time-line team activity to gain a historical perspective
· a predicting the future team activity to forecast the future consequences for all involved in the current unsatisfactory situation if changes are not made
· a change analysis team activity to explore the causes and effects of the current situation
· an employee needs analysis team activity to explore what employees want from their jobs
By the end of the initial session you will have achieved a position of knowing
· what is wrong (or perceived to be wrong,) plus the background to
· when it went wrong,
· why it went wrong and
· some ideas of possible and feasible solutions.
Team Building Diagnostic Exercise
Employees are required/ requested to undertake a diagnostic team building exercise in the form an employee survey. The 108 questions are categorized into the following predetermined 9 dimensions, considered key to team building in an organization.
· Clarity of goals and objectives
· Levels of openness and willingness to confront issues
· Levels of support and trust
· Levels of cooperation and the handling conflict
· Working methods and decision making procedures
· Appropriateness of leadership applied
· Opportunities for and / or the quality of regular performance review
· Opportunities for individual development and advancement
· Levels of inter-group relations
The original motivation for conducting the team building program will have highlighted the need for improvement and change in some aspect of how things are done, affecting at least one level in the organizational. This will probably affect management and as such will entail changing existing practices. You should be aware that this program should be delivered in the context of respecting the human factors and sensitivities. (See
team building requirements.)
Team Building The Human Context
The methodology and framework for this team building program is largely the application of common sense, in an ordered way. It's more a matter of routine and less of a product of inspiration. The underlying technique codifies and coordinates a common sense approach to not only team building, but will also enable you as a business professional to apply it in other management related problems.
The Human Context - Resistance to Change
Since the main objective is to improve existing methods of operation by effecting change, regard must be paid to the reactions of all employees of any status who experience these effects. As a business professional, you may have accepted the need for change and indeed be excited to be part of any change process. There is a danger, however, that you may have overlooked the fact that the majority of people have a natural resistance to change.
Every person, whether manager, or employee, is to a greater or less extent interested in his or her job. The fact that the job has been done in a certain way for what appear to be good and sufficient reasons invests the existing method with a certain sanctity.
The framework of this team building program will guide you through the transformation process, maximizing the chances of reducing the resistance to change factor. Properly applied, with due consideration to the human factors involved, this team building program will guide you through the taught process of dealing with peoples concerns and resistance to change, at all levels.
Team Building Human Factors
Success with this team building program will come when the underlying methodology is applied when a careful and continuous watch is kept over the human issues. Aphoristically, it can be said to be that this team building program is “10 per cent technical and 90 per cent psychological.” When delivering the team building program there should be adequate consultation before beginning it and support from senior management be given, during the program and in implementing the agreed changes the program will highlight.
Employee Consultation and Participation
This approach to team building is employee centric. As such it involves you acting on behalf of the organization consulting with and inviting employees to define a problem and or an envisioned improved state. By having employees undertake the exercise and processing their results, then constructively discussing the way forward, you will determine the employee perceptions on the 9 defined team building dimensions.
The results of the exercise and activities are the norms that exist in the minds of the employee who undertake the exercise, borne of their experiences. This approach will enable you to:
· define the current situation
· determine and define a future ideal state
· and then the path forward from the current to the future ideal state
As such, it is important to distinguish between information and consultation.
Information is simply telling people what you are doing or what will be done to them or by them. This perhaps is one of the reasons (an important one at that) why your team arrived at its current situation, they were informed what to do, how to do it and when to do it. If honesty is displayed, clearly it has not worked, in the hearts and minds of employees.
Consultation is much more; it is telling people what you are doing, or plan to do, asking them what they think and feel about it and inviting constructive advice. (It does not follow that such advice or thoughts must be followed, but they do have to be properly taken into consideration in ones own thinking and actions and most certainly in the design of systems and jobs.)
By the nature of the thought processes, a measure of participation by those concerned with the problem and in the development of a solution will help to bring every ones ideas into line. As a result, any solution will be felt to be joint and not originating with one person only; consequently it will be more likely to be accepted and implemented.
This distinction is important, and the importance of involving employees through participation and consultation cannot be overstressed. Remember it at all times in your career when you are dealing with people you are responsible for the performance of. They, like you, prefer to be consulted, not told.

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